
All the information you need to know about the hotel medium renaixença

Information | hotel medium renaixença - hôtel medium renaixença - Medium Hoteles


Timetables, services, WiFi, airport transfers and other interesting information

Information | hotel medium renaixença - hôtel medium renaixença - Medium Hoteles


Price and location map of El Retiro car park (concerted)

Information | hotel medium renaixença - hôtel medium renaixença - Medium Hoteles

Sitges Beach Club

Location map and booking information

Information | hotel medium renaixença - hôtel medium renaixença - Medium Hoteles

In case of fire

Hotel emergency fire procedures

Information | hotel medium renaixença - hôtel medium renaixença - Medium Hoteles

1883 Cocktail Bar

Located 1 min from the hotel. Exclusive offer for mediumhotel clients and access to the menu.

Information | hotel medium renaixença - hôtel medium renaixença - Medium Hoteles

1883 Cocktail Bar

Located 1 min from the hotel. Exclusive offer for mediumhotel clients and access to the menu.